
Azure File Sync Architecture & Components


On-Prem ortamınız ile azure storage ortamında bulunan dosyalarınızın eş zamanlı senkronizasyonunu yapabilmek için gerekli olan ayarların mantıksal topolojisini ve komponentlerinin açıklamalarını aşağıda paylaşıyorum.

1- Storage Sync Service: The Storage Sync Service is the top-level Azure resource for Azure File Sync
– Storage Sync Service can create sync relationships with multiple storage accounts via multiple sync groups
2- Sync group: A sync group defines the sync topology for a set of files.
3- Registered server: The registered server object represents a trust relationship between your server (or cluster) and the Storage Sync Service
4- Azure File Sync Agent: The Azure File Sync agent is a downloadable package that enables Windows Server to be synced with an Azure file share.
5- Server Endpoint: A server endpoint represents a specific location on a registered server, such as a folder on a server volume.
Multiple server endpoints can exist on the same volume if their namespaces do not overlap (for example, F:\sync1 and F:\sync2).
6- Cloud endpoint: The entire Azure file share syncs, and an Azure file share can be a member of only one cloud endpoint. Therefore, an Azure file share can be a member of only one sync group.

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